Timothy Scholze

Timothy Scholze WQ – A1

WikiQuals Aim; What I would like to do is earn an EdD or PhD that is totally online and 75% free. I would like to use Open Educational Resources and Web 2.0 technologies to research, edit, and share my research findings. My dissertation would be CC licensed and available as a tool for teachers to use.

I am particularly interested in finding ways to harness the best of the Internet and social media to become a technologically literate citizen. How can a person harness the power of the Internet and social media to grow into a technologically literate citizen who can then leverage that literacy to benefit their personal ambitions, family life, and professional aspirations yet still stay grounded in the present? How can an individual best use technological resources that are available to become a better person and citizen? How can we tame the vastness of information available into a useful menagerie that can be leveraged to our personal advantage? What do we as citizens need to know and be able to do in order to keep ourselves involved in an ever evolving technological world? What can we do to make sure we are not left behind in the ever widening technological divide?

I really want to learn and share what I learn with the world in a meaningful way. I am also the father of four children ages 13, 9, 7, 5. I want to make sure that they can use all of the technologies that are available to them to help make their lives better, richer, and meaningful. And, I want them to be able to have the technological skills necessary to stay ahead in their future endeavors.

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